But, why everyone is curious to know Elon Musk’s IQ

It is not just the name that gets you the fame. It is the contribution to society that you put in, It is the work and result that you bring forth. And that is what Elon Musk is doing. All his miraculous contribution to the present and future generations in the technology sector is worth applause. All his work and achievements are mentioned later in the article. For now, before we know what is Elon Musk’s IQ, let’s get a quick idea about low or a high IQ.

What is considered high IQ?

An IQ of a person is the Intelligence quotient. Which by definition means a score derived from standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence.    

Average IQ of most of the population lies between 85 and 115. Very small fraction of people lie either on very low score side or the very high score side.A score of 130 or above is considered as high IQ, People with high IQ come out as exceptionally intelligent people. For example Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Issac Newton and considerably Elon Musk, they all fall in the category of people with high IQ.

Elon Musk’s IQ score: is it more than average?

It is considered that Great geniuses like Einstein and Hawking had an IQ of 160. And Elon Musk’s IQ also falls near to this stat with an estimated score of 155. This score is only an estimate by experts because there is no official data available to confirm it. Now, you must be wondering, on what basis do they consider Elon Musk a genius? Or on what basis do they consider it is 155?

Elon Musk is considered as a genius: here is why?

On an episode of Saturday Night Live. Elon Musk himself admitted that he has Asperger’s. Which according to definition is a condition in the Autism spectrum, with generally higher, functioning. According to standard criteria Issac Newton, Henry Cavendish, and Albert Einstein also came in the same line of Asperger people. One of the articles on the Indiana University website says that being a genius in any field is an abnormality.

Elon Musk’s education history

At, 17 years of age, Musk graduated from the University with 2 bachelor’s degrees, one in physics and another in economics. Later on, he acquired an energy physics PhD and ended up winning a Stanford scholarship. All this data suggests that Elon Musk’s IQ  is not average at least. Even after the completion of education, in his carrier, he has set a paragon for the other businessmen.

Elon Musk’s successful carrier: Evidence of his exceptional intelligence in business

Elon Musk’s vision speaks for his exceptional vision and execution of ideas. His companies and projects are live examples of his thrilling ventures. SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, The boring city, Tesla Energy, and Solar City. Let us get some idea of what exceptional these companies are doing.

1. SpaceX

Initially, this project was started for plant growth on Mars. But later on, it became a project to make Mars a habitable planet. This is unconventional for a usual human to even think about it. (That’s why it’s obvious to be curious about Elon Musk’s IQ) This project had a novel vision of conservation by refuelling and reusing the rockets sent into orbit. Although in the beginning, it has also received a lot of resentment. But in the end, its potential became a reality.

This one is the idea we all may have imagined many times but never thought of making it a reality. Neuralink is trying to make an intersection that will help human beings to retrieve access to their dead cells. This is like giving life to the dead parts of the body, That’s the level of futuristic vision Elon Musk holds.

3. The Boring Company

Paradoxically its name itself is seeking our attention. Well, its work is even more than just attention. This company is developing tunnels where Tesla’s will be used for transportation across the cities of US America. Among all the other ideas, this one is the most magnificent. Because they are evolving a technology which will provide transportation services at a double speed than the metro train.

4. Tesla Energy and Solar City

This is the initiative to decrease industrial pollution by increasing solar energy usage. Under the same initiative, Tesla created a division that will create batteries with enhanced durability. They named it Tesla Energy. How efficiently Elon has blended his business with environment conservation, is evident from the output his business is producing.

5. Tesla

And finally Tesla, this company is working to create electric vehicles that could be run by electricity. Which in turn will Save and minimize carbon emission. It’ll be a great Savior of the environment if came into momentum. But the company is still working to reduce its production cost so that it can be affordable to everyone. Only then the purpose of the company will be resolved.

Elon Musk: exceptionally intelligent businessman

Everything from his companies to projects and their missions, all have a potential that is contributing to both our present as well as future generations. But, Elon Musk is not a one-man army, He may bring ideas, but his execution involves his developers also. His ideas, his vision, his smart investments in the right business. All these are the reasons he is the richest businessman in the world. The unconventional level of business that Elon Musk has reached, cannot be achieved with an average IQ. All this evidence suggest that Elon Musk has an exceptionally higher IQ than an average human or any other businessman. We consider him a genius that’s because of his achievements but he is more of an intelligent businessman than a genius.

What is Elon Musk s IQ  Is He A Genius  - 92What is Elon Musk s IQ  Is He A Genius  - 4What is Elon Musk s IQ  Is He A Genius  - 64What is Elon Musk s IQ  Is He A Genius  - 31What is Elon Musk s IQ  Is He A Genius  - 78What is Elon Musk s IQ  Is He A Genius  - 67What is Elon Musk s IQ  Is He A Genius  - 93