Notably, it has been downloaded around 315 million times in the current quarter alone. However, as leading social media giant grows in popularity, fake news on the platform has also risen significantly. From herbal cures for coronavirus to fake government notices and provocative communal content, fake news is getting more and more rampant on social media. It has become a major cause of grave concern for public authorities. Thus, to curb COVID-19 fake news, TikTok has added a new feature that allows viewers to report suspicious videos related to the novel virus. Subsequently, the company would be looking into each of these videos to further determine whether they are authentic or misleading.

How To Report COVID-19 Fake News on TikTok?

In case you spot a suspicious video related to COVID-19 on TikTok, you can report the video in the following step:

TikTok ‘Mat Kar Forward’ Campaign to Curb Misleading Forwards

Furthermore, TikTok also launched a ‘Mat Kar Forward’ campaign in India on Monday. The campaign video features celebrities including Virat Kohli, Ayushmann Khurrana, Sara Ali Khan, and Kriti Sanon. It has been directed by Anurag Basu and discourages viewers from sending any misleading forwards that contain unverified information. It has become crucial in the current times to combat fake news and prevent the spread of misleading information. While social media are indeed handy tools to stay connected, we must refrain from spreading or facilitating the spread of COVID-19 fake news.  

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