As as equel to one of the biggest battle royale mobile games in the world, PUBG New State has already started its pre-registration in Google Play Store. The futuristic game is set in 2051 and is expected to get PUBG characters to the forefront more than ever. The game will also provide a new dimension, a new platform for the propagation of the lore further. The game revolves around the survival of 100 players who fight a battle until one player or one team remains in the game. Players will also be able to personalise their guns in the middle of a game, thus giving them an opportunity to bend the rules of battle royale even further.  Watch PUBG Mobile New State trailer:

Features: PUBG New State vs PUBG Mobile

One interesting feature you can see in the PUBG New State trailer is how the players set up a small shield. This feature is quite similar to what the Defender does in COD Mobile. There is still no clarification on whether this is a piece of equipment that players will be equipped with or can pick up. Also, the new ‘gloo wall’ feature is something identical with Free Fire. For those who don’t know, Gloo Wall is a movable wall that can be planted anywhere. You Might Also Like: PUBG Mobile 2 Launch Expected Soon New gameplay mechanics involve accruing supplies using a drone as well as an expandable shield that can be deployed to block enemy fire. Check Out: PUBG Mobile Lite Season 22 Release Date Announced

PUBG New State Pre-registration

Registration for PUBG New State has already begun for Android users on Google Play store. iOS users will, however, have to wait for a little longer before the game comes on the Apple App store. Indian PUBG fans will also have to wait as there us no news on whether the government is planning to remove the ban from battle royale game. But, since Krafton is developer and the publisher of PUBG New State, there are pretty good chances that the game will make its entry in India soon. For PUBG Mobile New State pre registration play store, use this link: You Might Also Like: Here Is The PUBG Mobile Lite APK Download Link PUBG New State is expected run smoothly on all latest smartphones, but we can’t say that about older handsets. Stay tuned to this space to know PUBG New State vs PUBG Mobile difference. You can also sign in for our newsletter to get latest gaming news delivered to your mailbox.

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