Phicomm eyeing Indian market According to the reports, the company has shortlisted two locations, Bengaluru and Gurgaon. Yet, they expect to finalize the location by September after which they will invest a sum of Rs. 6.3 crore or $1 million. Not just that, in the long run Phicomm may also start a manufacturing unit in the country. However, for now, they will just concentrate on theme localization and software customization in the R&D unit they set up with around 50 employees. While speaking to the media, Jeffrey Fan, Phicomm’s President of Global Sales said that they consider India to be a great market for their products and they are observing it minutely so that they can bring most affordable pieces for consumers here. He also said that the company is concentrating on the launch of three to four models in the ongoing year. Phicomm’s presence in the global smartphone market is increasing steadily in the recent and their interest to operate in India can be beneficial for the country. 

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