Goel, who arrested on Sunday evening near Meghdootam Park in Sector 51, was running a company called Dubai Dry fruits and Spices Hub with five others. Police said they had received at least 40 written complaints of fraud against it from traders across the country in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, UP, West Bengal, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and a few other states. Among police’s immediate recoveries were an Audi, 60 kg dry fruits, and documents. Mohit Goel Freedom 251 company was operating out of Corenthum, the premier office complex in Sector 62. He is said to be paying a rent of Rs. 3 Lakhs per month. According to Additional CP (Law and Order) Love Kumar, the culprits would win the trust of traders by placing orders and by paying on time and giving partial advance. But later they would stop making the payment, and the cheques submitted by them would bounce. Love Kumar added, “The accused would then get fake cases lodged against the traders under CrPC 156 (3) by approaching court.” He further explained that Goel used to purchase dry fruits at a higher price when compared to others and then used to sell them at much higher prices in the open market. He then made partial payments to the traders. Only 40 percent payment was done by net-banking, and rest was paid by cheque, which eventually got bounced when traders tried to cash them. Mohit Goel along with Sumit Yadav, Praveen Singh Nirwan and Rajiv Kumar alias Mursafil Lashkar were managing the company while Om Prakash Jangid, who was arrested along with Goel, was the proprietor of the firm. Stay tuned to this space for updates on Freedom 251 scam story. Sign in for our newsletter to get daily news delivered to your mailbox.

Mohit Goel Freedom 251 Owner Arrested For Dry Fruit Scam - 70Mohit Goel Freedom 251 Owner Arrested For Dry Fruit Scam - 97Mohit Goel Freedom 251 Owner Arrested For Dry Fruit Scam - 37Mohit Goel Freedom 251 Owner Arrested For Dry Fruit Scam - 84Mohit Goel Freedom 251 Owner Arrested For Dry Fruit Scam - 91