Twitter, recently announced good news for all advertisers. The social site declared the launch of targeted advertising Thursday, which will let advertisers select a group of audience they want to target for their Promoted Tweets and Promoted Accounts. With targeted advertising, advertisers will now be able to reach 140 million users easily. Users would be targeted as per their interests, based on re-tweets and people or companies they follow. In a blog post by Twitter, Kevin Weil, Director of Twitter product management wrote that advertisers will be able to target their advertising based on interests, such as music and radio or science, as well as by specifying user names that are relevant to a certain product. The blog also mentions that advertisers won’t be able to target certain accounts’ followers in particular. “If you’re promoting your indie band’s next tour,” Weil wrote, “you can create a custom audience by adding @usernames of related bands, thus targeting users with the same taste in music”. So with this, Twitter can target an ad to a user who follows a slide of same accounts or sends out frequent tweets. Targeted interest ads will have a ‘real-time interest graph’ feature, which is a hidden quality that will show advertisers details about targeted users. Weil also cleared that users won’t see any difference in their home streams. He wrote in a tweet that the “end user experience is no different! Just Promoted Tweets in your timeline, like today- hopefully now even more relevant”. This approach seems to be thoughtful, which can surely help Twitter monetize its services and provide a better experience to both users as well as advertisers.

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