While the statement is a ray of hope in the darkest of times, it is unfathomable that with the increasing number and a collapsing healthcare system, India will be able to curtail the spread. On Thursday, India registered a record 45,720 new cases and 1,129 deaths, reaching a total count of 12,38,635 and 29,861 respectively. Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu documented its highest single-day increase in coronavirus cases with 6,472 persons testing positive yesterday. WHO has been engaged to strengthen COVID-19 surveillance. They are involved in the global coordination for mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been at the heart of the battle against the virus since the first reported outbreak in China. From passing on technical guidance and requisite advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, the health organization is also urging member states to speed up the development, production and distribution of treatments and vaccines and ensure universal access to therapeutics. The coordinating authority is working relentlessly to ensure all this is over, soon.


What can the government do to control numbers?

One of the keys to fighting COVID-19 is to keep the numbers low. All Government efforts have been designed to achieve this. From partial lockdown to vehicular restrictions to work from home, the government surely is not leaving any stone unturned to keep the numbers under control. It is now upon as, as individuals, to follow strict precautionary guidelines and maintain social distancing to help the country fight this pandemic. The recent global pandemic has altered our way of living. A health crises and mass joblessness coupled with failing economy, climate change, and demographic ageing are just a few notable ripples that have come to the forefront. Gaining historic importance, coronavirus catalysed the worst global downturn since the 1930s, and has posed a challenge like never before – to save humankind.

Bill Gates on Indian pharma industry

Meanwhile, Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates has also said that the Indian pharma industry will be able to develop a COVID-19 vaccine for the country as well as for the world. He said that important things have been done by the Indian pharma industry “to help make the coronavirus vaccine building on other great capacities that they have used for other diseases”. He spoke of the capacity India has in terms of with the drug and vaccine companies. The Serum Institute, Bio E and Bharat (Biotech) were on the list.


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