It has gained popularity due to the Fascinating features it has to offer. Telegram has a number of features which draw the line between Telegram and other social media application. Telegram has its main focus on personalisation. Because the user gets a feeling of belonging when something is customised just for them.

Ways to Format Text on Telegram

Formatting text is an integral part of modern messaging. It is extremely essential to check and make sure that the text being sent is upto the mark. There are 4 ways of formatting or changing fonts on Telegram. The options might vary with the kind of the device being used. The following tools are used to Format the text on Telegram

Methods of Changing Fonts In Telegram

Changing fonts while messaging on Telegram is not difficult at all. There are simple ways to enhance the traditional texting. To change the font, you need to follow the steps mentioned below This is a general guide on how to change fonts on Telegram. Though some options may vary with devices. For instance, there are Android, iOS and Desktop versions of Telegram. And the features might have slight difference.

You are further going to read about the differences in features on different device apps.


To change font on Telegram while using an Android device



To change font on Telegram’s desktop version

Changing fonts on Web Versions

Telegram has not introduced font changing feature on its web versions. However, with the help of markdown bot, some changes may be applied in the appearance of the text. Let us show you how to change your text to bold, italic and strikethrough in the typing panel To change normal text into bold, you must type the text as shown below Your Text It becomes bold when you send it. To change normal font into an italic font, you are supposed to type underscore ( _ ) twice as shown below Your Text Last but not the least, to change your font into a strikethrough, type the text as shown below Your Text Your text will be transformed into the font of your choice by following the simple guidelines.


You must have learnt how to change fonts on Telegram by now. Changing fonts while messaging is not a compulsory thing to do but texting looks more prominent if one uses these features. As Telegram lets you create channels and groups for free, the channel owner has to make it a point to have effective messaging. Here, Telegram assists you by providing exiting features which let its users change fonts. Telegram offers four major variations: bold, italic, strikethrough and monospace. The only drawback is that you cannot change font on web version of Telegram. These options enhance the experience of texting and break the monotonous traditional texting.

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