To start with, know that the iPhone X has not received the best reviews. An unresponsive screen, possibility of the Face ID being hacked and no rings coming in has all resulted in iPhone X problems coming to the fore. Samsung’s take on the latest Apple model had some reason it seems. Recently, a report from Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, which belongs to ZDNet suggested that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X models could reach their recharge cycle limit of 500 very soon. This means, you probably have 18 months of life left of your phone. After shelling a sterling bomb on a mobile phone, buyers are not happy with these findings. Sure, it has found the buyers alright. A report from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners suggests that 20 per cent of smartphone consumers have bought the iPhone 10 in the last quarter of the year 2017. The flagship raises concerns A Reddit Thread received a complaint, which points to a gap between the bezel on the display. This gap, according to the complainant, tends to pull long hair or beard towards itself. However, no official confirmation has been made on the same. Another serious problem that the iPhone X exhibits is the unresponsive screen front. When a user moves from the outdoors to indoor, it takes 2 seconds for the iPhone X screen to get responsive. In order to curb the situation, the makers have issued an update of iOS 11 that could address the problem. Socio-entrepreneur Vishal Anand feels that iPhone X is clearly a huge mistake. He said “If I had the time, I would do something against the company. When I receive calls, the phone starts vibrating but no call appears. I can only see the call after couple of seconds. It’s just so problematic. After shelling out all that money, you don’t want to tolerate anything like that!” Another problem that has been faced by several users is with the face ID unlocking feature. It’s been observed that the aforementioned faeature is not full-proof. Also, iPhone X users have also experienced buzzing sound from their handset speakers. This report comes in from Twitter and Reddit conversations that state how users have been hearing crackle-like sounds when they used the speaker at high volume. Surprisingly, iPhone X is also playing with your health, is what a lot of users have reported. Users are facing fatigue and a lot of headaches when they use the iPhone. Another huge blow to the reputation of Apple is that some iPhone X models have seen green lines developing on the side of the display. Lawsuits and Reputation Issues With Apple already busy with the lawsuit filed against it on claims of Qualcomm, these complaints have had a negative impact on the already-damaged reputation. While everyone is waiting for Apple to confirm changes in the build of the iPhone, many actually believe that the latest version is doomed. The series of complaints flowing in about the iPhone X make the case for Apple even worse. Clearly, with all these issues facing the iPhone flagship model, it should probably close down and look for an innovation that would actually work. Are you facing any troubles with the iPhone X too? Feel Apple should shut down iPhone X? Tell us in the comments below.  

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