Talking to BloombergQuint, GJEPC chairman Colin Shah said that in March 2022, the Indian gems and jewellery sector maintained its promise of contributing a 10th of the country’s overall $400 billion export target.   There has also been a rise in new technologies used in the processing of diamonds. Synthetic diamond formation, hauling truck, clarity grading, and high-frequency seismic reflection are some common technologies used in diamond testing and manufacture.  Technology is playing a crucial role in the growth and sale of lab-grown diamonds as well. These diamonds have gained popularity because the cost of diamonds is reduced dramatically and it is a more sustainable option compared to natural diamonds that have always been in the debate because they are associated with human rights abuses, habitat destruction and water pollution. 

Market for lab-grown diamonds

Paul Zimnisky, an independent industry analyst, researched about lab-grown diamonds and found out that its sale reached $5.9 billion in 2021. This represents 7% to 8% of the total diamond jewelry market. Talking about the year 2022, Zimnisky stated that lab-grown jewelry sales could reach $8 billion+, approaching 10% of the total diamond jewelry market.  The popularity and market for lab-grown diamonds is growing day by day. People find that there is no difference between an earth-mined and lab-created diamond. Just like a diamond creation process takes place below the earth, lab-created diamonds are grown in labs using extreme heat and pressure inside a machine.  Additionally, they cost anywhere from 15% to 50% lower than the real diamonds. 

Tech used to cut diamonds

Gemology allows professionals to study the origins and properties of gemstones. These could be natural or artificially made. Traditionally, gemology was closely tied to jewelry design. Today, a thriving gem lab testing industry has made gemology integral to the sales of diamonds and gemstones. We know that there are four key Cs in a diamond — carat weight, cut, clarity, and color. With cut measurement and analysis technology, diamond cutting has become standardized and far more reliable. Technology is now being used to perfect a diamond’s cut and light performance. These aspects are closely related to how buyers of the diamond feel emotionally and psychologically.

Key technologies used in the process of diamond cutting

Anti-vibration technology

When a diamond is first discovered, it is not even close to ready for processing it into a salable gem. Interestingly, to begin with the diamond cutting process, nine out of ten diamonds are shipped to India.  Once the diamond arrives, experts first evaluate diamonds using an anti-vibration technology and extremely high magnification. This step determines its classification and possible yield. 

3D rough planning computer simulation technology

The second stage is the planning stage. In this stage, the diamond is assessed via 3D rough planning computer simulation technology. This is the most important step of the diamond making process as rough diamonds have an extreme complex textures with convex and concave surfaces. Commonly used technologies like Sarine Galaxy and Advisor make it easy to model these diamonds accurately..  The technology enables experts to discover the polished yield that could be extracted from the rough, with highly accurate and automated results. 

Diamond cutting or Sawing 

Sarine Quazer or Sawing is the final step involved in diamond making. The diamond is cleaved using a laser or steel blade, such as Sarine Quazer 3. First, the diamond is placed in a cement or wax mold to hold it in the right place. Then, the cutter puts a steel blade in the groove and strikes it on the diamond, cutting it into two pieces.  Sawing is done if diamonds have to be cut where there is no plane weakness. This is done with the help of a phosphor-bronze blade or lasers. Once the diamond is analysed and cleaved, it has to be girdled or bruted. These techniques helps in giving shape to diamonds.  Then comes the final step, polishing and final inspection of the diamond. This sometimes involves cleaning of diamond with acid to get a clear view.  As new technologies emerge in diamond making and processing, we are watching the industry closely.  Stay tuned to know what is new in the gemstone tech industries!

Here is the Tech That Goes Behind Creating Your Diamond - 56Here is the Tech That Goes Behind Creating Your Diamond - 26Here is the Tech That Goes Behind Creating Your Diamond - 59Here is the Tech That Goes Behind Creating Your Diamond - 92Here is the Tech That Goes Behind Creating Your Diamond - 19Here is the Tech That Goes Behind Creating Your Diamond - 98Here is the Tech That Goes Behind Creating Your Diamond - 15Here is the Tech That Goes Behind Creating Your Diamond - 90