The initial rushes of Halo 4 were one of the most anticipated videos to hit the online territory in recent times. For a game to be released in the fall of 2012, Halo 4 is gathering quite a steam in terms of its preparations. Those who have been following the thread will realize that 343 Industries is warming up the audience to the events of November 13 when the game will actually see the light of the day. The latest trailer on the live action series details about the background to the edition but has received a wide amount of disparate responses. Many fans have recently posted a wide variety of comments regarding the costume and the lack of a good set of actors for the prime roles in the web series. Many fans feel that the series seems to be a half-hearted approach to the franchise, which has spawned out movie, books and more such entities. Although, many Halo fanatics have still appreciated such a gesture from Microsoft to promote this game. Their love for the game supersedes any other emotion or gimmicks associated with it. The concept of the online series is expected to draw a young audience which could possibly feel attracted to the series and then opt for the game. The trailer offers glimpse of the UNSC military academy and the life of a young cadet who would also be a part of the game. The first trailer focuses on his life at the academy and his first interaction with John-117 a k a Master Chief. The unceremonious meeting occurs at a juncture where the academy is attacked by the Covenant and although none of the attackers are clearly visible in the trailer, one can see, forms descending from the skies which could possibly indicate the ‘ancient evil’  much discussed in the earlier trailers. While one could easily say, it is not a ‘Dark Knight’ finish to the venture, but the producers have tried to give  a touch of realism to the series, even hiring the 6’8”-tall Vancouver actor, Daniel Cudmore, to fill in the shoes of Master Chief. The sudden drop in fan expectations is not surprising considering the fact that the hardcore fans would be looking forward to a more impressive web series for their favorite game. It is too early to say that the trailer may not serve its purpose since the Microsoft-backed venture is just a step towards the game. The online web series which was initially planned to go live on Halo Waypoint and Machinima on October 5, 2012 would now also be available in stores and through online retail options. This news was recently revealed on Halo Bulletin by Kevin Grace, writer and Managing Editor of 343 Industries as part of their promotion drive. So,even if you miss the chance with the limited edition, you can always have a copy of the edition separately. The fact that there is so much discussion on the trailer itself makes one realize that the game would be a sure winner!

Halo 4  Forward Unto Dawn leaves fans in the lurch  - 91Halo 4  Forward Unto Dawn leaves fans in the lurch  - 29Halo 4  Forward Unto Dawn leaves fans in the lurch  - 95Halo 4  Forward Unto Dawn leaves fans in the lurch  - 71Halo 4  Forward Unto Dawn leaves fans in the lurch  - 33