How Modern Gadgets Affect Our Education System?


Digital devices help in academics whether you are a student of science and technology or arts. Students across all disciplines and grades can benefit by using digital devices. The adaptableness of gadgets allows every student to personalize them as per requirements.


With electronic devices, it takes much less time to study and comprehend the lessons taught. Normally a student has to sit through hours of lectures and spend time completing homework. But by using gadgets a lot of time can be saved.


Modern gadgets allow people to multitask. A student can listen to a lecture and record the same for future reference. He could be traveling and listening or watching an important subject matter on his device thereby saving time again along with multitasking.

Fast Approach

Whether you are looking for information or want to pass an important piece of study material to a fellow student, it can be done in a matter of minutes. A smart device and the Internet are all you need to know about things and let others be aware as well.

Developing Language Skills

Gadgets help to develop language skills- Whether you want to learn a new language or improve upon the language you already know. Vocabulary and grammar can be enhanced to a great extent in both native and foreign languages with specific tools. Moreover, grammar correctors and proofreaders are also there to help you furthermore.

Negative Effects of the Use of Gadgets

Electronic devices and technology have revolutionized the modern education system but they have their share of disadvantages as well. It is important to make use of technology in moderation and for productive use only. Let us discuss the ill effects of modern gadgets to check and prevent adverse effects on impressionable minds.

Increase Aggression

Easy access to different types of content can increase aggression in children. Playing violent games can adversely affect their brain. Wasting time browsing the Internet, checking social media, and chatting should be limited to prevent any further damage.

Causes Sleep Disorder

Most children get addicted to their devices and the stuff they watch or things they do with them. All of these lead to a sleep disorder or irregular sleep pattern.

Causes Obesity

Having easy access to entertainment, kids do not feel the need to play outdoor games. Since they get everything of their interest by pressing a few buttons they tend to stay indoors. And while they are hooked on the screen, they binge eat junk food which causes more problems as this leads to obesity. It may not be noticed immediately but eventually, issues develop.

Causes Hearing Problems

Prolonged use of headphones or earphones with more volume can damage the ears and may cause hearing loss.

Dry Eyes

The rays emitted by the screen of electronic devices are harmful to the eyes. It causes dryness to the eyes. Spending long hours looking at the screen may cause visual impairment and lead to loss of vision.

Increases Chances of Cancer

The radiation emitting from electric devices causes cancer. Unrestrained use of such devices may lead to cancers of the thyroid, skin, breast, stomach, or leukemia.

Leads to Back Pain

Back pain is one of the major issues resulting from using gadgets because nobody follows the right posture while using the devices. Children may remain unaware of it for some time but eventually, it affects them badly. Now that we know how modern gadgets affect our education system in both positive and negative ways, parents and young adults should be aware of how these devices are being used. The amount of time spent both for education or entertainment purpose should be limited. Picking the right kind of device also plays an important role in preventing any adverse effects.

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