Maharashtra, Karnataka, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Gujarat have seen an unexplained surge in recorded cases, and if the Covid situation worsens, the government will have no choice but to impose strict lockdown rules to protect the country from crumbling down. We urge all our readers to stay indoors and follow all protocols while stepping out. While the government has pushed the vaccination drive, wearing masks at all times, and maintaining social distancing are the only plausible solutions we have for the majority.

Here are 5 reasons to stay home that can help all of us individuals contribute in controlling the spread of Covid. 

First thing first, COVID-19 spreads through close contact between individuals, thus staying away from crowded places, especially restaurants, cafes, malls, cinema halls, etc. significantly reduces your chances of getting the virus. During your time at home, it is equally important to practice good hygiene. Keep your home clean, do not invite people over, and be extra cautious when handling deliveries and packages. 

The fewer people you are around, the lower your chance of infection. When you stay home, you help stop the spread to others, too.

Offices can prove to be a growing hub for Covid virus. Even though we all practice social distancing, there are times when we end up touching common touchpoints like lift buttons, staircase railings, etc., thus making us more prone to catching the virus. So, if you have elderly or kinds around, work from home is the best solution. Request your management to allow you to work from home to ensure the health and well being of your family members.

With changing season, many people are showing flu-like symptoms. Maintaining social distancing has proved to have a large impact on transmission reduction. Staying at home prevents undiagnosed infected people from travelling and further spreading the infection. 

Staying at home gives us a chance to spend more time with our families. It gives more time for bonding, and also allows family members to share the burden of household chores.

You Might Also Like: Find The Nearest COVID-19 Vaccination Location Using Apple Maps We know it is not easy but the next time you think about walking out your door when you have been told to stay home, think about how many lives you could impact. Your decision can make a difference. Stay home, stay safe.

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