Call of Duty Leaks

Call of Duty Warzone has always been in the light as the plans of the developers have accidentally appeared in the game itself. The leak gained momentum after a user shared images with the developers regarding the errors faced while loading the game. Soon, other users also came forward and raised concerns about the same issue. However, since there has been no official announcement on the Call of Duty new content with Night mode, it is unclear if the mode will be released as part of Season 5 Reloaded, or if Call of Duty: Warzone fans will have to wait for Season 6 to jump into the action.As for Activision, there have been no official comments on the Call of Duty leaks and the speculation surrounding these rumours. It is only recently that a train was added in the Call of Duty Warzone map as a part of the Season 5 update. The newest addition is designed with high-tier loot on it, however is quite treacherous to land on. The train keeps moving actively and can easily crush players. It also guns down the players if they plan to land on it. In the meanwhile, there are many new updates in the new Warzone Season 5 content that the players can look forward to. Ardent fans have been loyal and can now expect several new additions, including new cosmetics, playlists, and more to be added to both – Call of Duty Warzone as well as Call of Duty Modern Warfare multiplayer in the coming weeks.

Call of Duty  Warzone Will Have Night Mode And A New Map Location - 60Call of Duty  Warzone Will Have Night Mode And A New Map Location - 39Call of Duty  Warzone Will Have Night Mode And A New Map Location - 32Call of Duty  Warzone Will Have Night Mode And A New Map Location - 27