With Z3 complete touch portfolio, this smart device is anticipated to be appraised at Rs. 20,000, which is an affordable alternative for mid-budget clients, as reported by Economic Times. With its mega global launch in Barcelona at MWC this year, Blackberry had made the device available in France, US, UK and Germany last month. And now in India, Leap will target the young professionals who desire to avail smartphone at low cost. Leap boasts off with 5-inch screen and high resolution of 720×1280 pixels.16 GB ROM and 2 GB RAM are quite apt to back the SoCwhile Micro SD card has been used with expandability backing up to 128GB. The phone is supported with up-to-date Blackberry operating system 10.3.1 and loaded with a long-lasting 2800 mAh battery. As per camera is concerned, Leap features 2 MP front camera and 8 MP rear camera. With such amazing features and affordable cost, Blackberry Leap will successfully be able to compete with OnePlus One, Asus Zenfone 2, Xiaomi, Huawei Honor 6 and andMi 4.  

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