1.  Monitoring Human Rights

Human rights abuses persist around the world and are usually hidden as much as possible by the governments responsible. However, using satellite cameras, we are able to show the world what is going on. A satellite camera can be used to confirm reports of abuses and point to the locations where they are taking place. One current application of this is monitoring China’s human rights abuses in Xinjiang. Immense labor camps have been erected, while at the same time, Uygur mosques and landmarks have been dismantled. Satellite cameras have been able to provide the world with proof of what is happening.

2.  Early Warning of Famine

It’s said that there’s never been a famine in modern history that has taken place in a country with a free press. In a similar manner to the hiding of human rights abuses, governments often try to hide the reality of an impending famine from their citizens. Satellite cameras are able to show the truth through Earth observation. Using satellite camera technology can help monitor situations regarding crop failure, drought, and all the other warning signs that famine may be approaching. As a result, organizations are able to prepare for coming problems and do their best to avoid disaster.

3.  Following Population Growth Using Satellite Camera

The realities of population growth are not always easy to monitor, especially in developing parts of the world. However, satellite video is able to provide up to the second images of how cities are developing. They can show the expansion of cities, the development of slums and shantytowns, and keep track of how our population is changing. As a result, they can provide crucial information for monitoring agencies and governments.

4.  Tracking Undeclared Nuclear Power Plants

Many people feel that we may come to depend on nuclear power in the future. While it certainly has its benefits, it’s also a highly regulated industry. Despite this, some countries attempt to erect nuclear power plants that don’t conform to global rules and guidelines. Satellite imagery lets international organizations locate any nuclear power plants that have been constructed without permission. Using satellite camera data, they then let the same organizations keep track as the government in question carries out the deconstruction of the illicit plants.

5.  Keeping Wildfires Under Control

Sadly, as the global temperature continues to rise, we’re going to see more and more wildfires around the world. Already, large parts of the Western USA and Southern Europe have gone through disastrous fires that claimed several lives. Satellite imagery is a crucial tool for keeping track of ongoing fires. Cameras let teams on the ground know exactly where the fire is and where it’s moving to. As a result, they can stay one step ahead in their work containing and extinguishing it.

6.  Developing Agriculture

Satellite imagery has become a key tool in agricultural development around the world. Its use lies in the fact that it’s able to provide both large overviews and precise analysis of small patches of ground. Using satellite camera images, planners can analyze crops and farms, seeing what’s working and which areas are best for further development. They’re then able to take continuous images over the years, keeping track of how farming is progressing.

7.  Disaster Recovery

Following a natural disaster such as an earthquake or tsunami, responders need precise information on the extent of the damage and which areas have suffered the most. These teams today know how to use the satellite camera. Satellite cameras are crucial in providing them with this data. Satellite images give an immediate overview of the damage done and can be used in the coming days to show how far the damage can be mitigated. As a result, hundreds of lives on the ground can be saved, and infrastructure can be put back in place as quickly as possible.

8.  Monitoring Sustainable Fishing

International fish stocks have been declining for decades due to irresponsible fishing techniques. As a result, international organizations have now been set up to monitor the oceans and keep track of developments. Satellite cameras are the ideal tool for this job. Using satellite camera technology, they can monitor sea temperature and analyze changes of color to understand the movement of fish. Using this information, they can let fishermen pick their fishing grounds in the most sustainable way possible.

9.  Tracking Military Movements

Satellite cameras were first developed as military technology, and this remains one of their main uses today. Satellites have always been crucial in terms of locating secret nuclear weapons and keeping track of their development. Today, they’re also an important tool for monitoring troop movements, identifying any unusual activity, and letting governments make their plans accordingly.

10. Searching for a Missing Person

When a person goes missing in nature, tracking them down can be incredibly hard. In places such as the outback or the hills of Appalachia, there are a million places people can have ended up in. The same goes for people lost at sea. Fortunately, satellite imagery can let police and searchers examine huge swathes of land and track down the missing person. Satellite cameras have changed the way we see the world. The huge range of different applications means that they are truly a wonder of modern technology. The above are just a few of their current uses, and we look forward to seeing what they will be used for in the future.

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